Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Childhood, Education & Society
Full Issue
Research Articles
Learning Chinese Mandarin characters in an English-speaking country: The development of a child’s symbolic mind
Abstract views: 1045 /
PDF downloads: 869
How have after-school clubs adapted in the United Kingdom post-March lockdown?
Abstract views: 1793 /
PDF downloads: 722
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s mental health and wellbeing, and beyond: A scoping review
Abstract views: 6544 /
PDF downloads: 3121
Defining turn taking in intervention for young children with autism: A review of the literature
Abstract views: 3549 /
PDF downloads: 3384
In-between spaces of policy and practice: Voices from Prince Edward Island early childhood educators
Abstract views: 933 /
PDF downloads: 510
Are grandparents raising grandchildren receiving the services they need?
Abstract views: 3001 /
PDF downloads: 1509
Women and children's well-being in Indian nuclear families during the COVID-19 pandemic
Abstract views: 2806 /
PDF downloads: 1153
Review Articles
The acquisition of autonomy, through benevolence, of children who are victims of domestic violence
Abstract views: 664 /
PDF downloads: 423
Policies and practices of early childhood education and care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives from five countries
Abstract views: 3503 /
PDF downloads: 1485