The impact of the quality of early mathematics instruction on mathematics achievement outcomes

Early mathematics, Instructional quality, Mathematics achievementAbstract
The examination of teaching quality in mathematics in relation to student learning outcomes has become increasingly important following the research reports indicating that early mathematics teaching and learning experiences are critical contributors to students’ learning and later achievement in mathematics and other content areas. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the quality of early mathematics instruction and students’ mathematics learning outcomes in 73 Pre-K to 3rd grade classrooms in an urban public schools system. The results suggested that the quality mathematics instruction varies across observed classrooms but mostly mediocre. Limited but significant associations between instructional quality and mathematics achievement were also documented at the classroom level. More specifically, there was a positive significant interaction between quality of mathematics teaching and students’ mathematics achievement at the end of the school year in classrooms where ratings of the instructional quality was identified as “high,” after controlling for students’ pre-test scores and gender.
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