‘So, this will do for you guys’: A closer look at Maine’s Part C rural service delivery

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Rurality, Early intervention, Family-centered strategies


This study examines family-centered strategies used by Maine’s Part C early intervention providers to support families residing in rural communities who may be experiencing vulnerabilities. Through focus groups, early intervention providers shared strategies and barriers when supporting families. Rurality-focused segments impacting early intervention services were identified in the following themes: (a) teaming and collaboration, (b) professional learning, (c) Part C implementation, and (d) resources and services. State funding and policies that focus on rurality may be an important contributing factor to strengthening structural inequities and increasing recruitment and retention of providers in rural areas.


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How to Cite

Rooks-Ellis, D. L., & Spence, C. M. (2024). ‘So, this will do for you guys’: A closer look at Maine’s Part C rural service delivery. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society, 5(3), 359–370. https://doi.org/10.37291/2717638X.202453424