Rethinking play and child-centredness within early childhood curriculum in Croatia

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Early childhood education and care, Early childhood curriculum, Play, Child-centredness, Early childhood educators


Within Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) the child-centred approach, with all its various and diverse contextual interpretations, is well-established as a cynosure of contemporary theoretical discourses as well as endeavours in everyday practice, at least on a declarative level. Play is positioned as a high priority within the child-centred approach; more specifically, play is conceptualized as the central activity of the child through which they learn. Whilst these two concepts seem to be coherent and based upon similar theoretical underpinnings, there is much room for critical discussion concerning the conceptualizations and rationale behind both of them. This paper discusses how the academic community, in this paper, exemplified by specific policy-makers and early childhood educators in Croatia, see play and child-centredness in the curriculum-framed ECEC context. An e-focus group was conducted with twelve (12) early childhood educators in Croatia, showcasing the educators’ uncertainties regarding thinking about and ‘doing’ play and child-centredness while realising their planned curriculum.  The paper concludes with deliberations on the position of adults within child-centred ECEC practice, based on both literature and research results with a potential impact in terms of rethinking ECEC practices as well as documentation practices in Croatia.


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How to Cite

Bogatić, K., & Višnjić Jevtić, A. (2025). Rethinking play and child-centredness within early childhood curriculum in Croatia. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society, 6(1), 71–87.