Child citizenship and participation: Bottom-up level change from professional conversations with children

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Children’s voices, Children’s participation, Citizenship, Communication


Hart's (1992) 'Innocenti Essay on Child Participation' advocated for increased involvement of young people as active participants in societal decision-making. This paper provides a historical overview of active child citizenship initiatives, using applied research insights from 'bottom-up' approaches and conversations with children and professionals. It explores how current practices exemplified through three case studies can enhance genuine child participation and citizenship. The case study analysis examines the conversational processes involving children in problem-solving and decision-making within their communities. Through these examples, the paper highlights practical strategies for meaningfully engaging children as stakeholders and empowering them as active citizens whose voices substantially influence matters impacting their lives.


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How to Cite

Casley, M., Cartmel, J., Smith, K., O’Leary, P., & Reyes Bernard , N. (2024). Child citizenship and participation: Bottom-up level change from professional conversations with children. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society, 5(2), 270–282.