A systematic review of studies investigating quality of inclusive preschool classrooms

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Inclusive preschool, Early childhood quality, Early childhood inclusion


Inclusion of young children with disabilities in early childhood settings that are primarily designed for typically developing children is a recommended practice. Although several reviews have summarized the literature focused on the quality of preschool classrooms in general, extant literature does not include a study that specifically summarized results of studies focused on investigating quality of inclusive preschool classrooms. The purpose of this systematic literature review was to identify studies focused on examining quality of inclusive preschool classrooms, determine characteristic features of these studies and summarize information about the overall quality of inclusive preschool classrooms. Twenty-five articles met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed using a 27-item coding system developed by the researchers. The findings reveal a lack of consistent reporting of classroom demographics and teacher characteristics across the studies. Furthermore, the review identifies inconsistencies in reporting practices related to the roles and training of individuals conducting classroom quality measures, raising concerns about data reliability and validity. Additionally, the findings suggest areas for improvement in instructional support in inclusive classrooms, calling for strategies to enhance teacher training and professional development. The results underscore differences in preschool classroom quality across countries, emphasizing the necessity for global efforts and tailored interventions to improve early childhood education quality.


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How to Cite

Butterworth, L., Rakap, S., & Gülboy, E. (2024). A systematic review of studies investigating quality of inclusive preschool classrooms. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society, 5(3), 386–406. https://doi.org/10.37291/2717638X.202453381