Professional occupational activities and functions of Greek infant-toddler educators: Roles and responsibilities

Infant-toddler educators, Professional identity, Role, Occupational activities, GreeceAbstract
During the last years, infant and toddler practice is receiving increased attention at the policy level. Yet, little is known about what infant/toddler practice entails and how educators working with children of this age group view their role and professional identity. The present mixed methods study aims at filling the research gap on what the professional identity and the work of infant and toddler educators entails, what are the characteristics that constitute an infant/toddler educator professionally and on the extent to which they are well prepared to perform their multi-dimensional role. 51 Greek infant/toddler educators responded to an online questionnaire which included close and open-ended questions. Results reveal that the role of infant/toddler educators is complex and multi-faceted and that infant/toddler educators spent most of their time in education and care practices rather than managerial practices. In addition, results highlight that care moves beyond narrow definitions that include routines, to a broader image of care which involves educational and relational aspects. Divergences between practices adopted in infant and toddler classrooms have also been revealed. The results highlight the need to further explore infant and toddler educators’ voices about their role, professional identity and work.
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