Documenting the development and achievements of early and preschool children: Different curricular approaches

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Competence framework;, Formative monitoring;, Learning outcomes;, Normative monitoring, Preschool teacher


The public education policy of an individual country determines, among other things, the ways of documenting the educational process and children’s outcomes. This paper explores the opinion of preschool teachers about documenting children’s development. The sample included preschool teachers from two systems, or two different curricular approaches. One exists in the Republic of Croatia (curriculum based on the competence framework) and other in Bosnia and Herzegovina (curriculum based on normative outcomes). The measuring instrument Questionnaire of Preschool Teachers’ Opinions on Monitoring the Psycho-physical Status of Children (α= .847), was constructed for research purposes. The Questionnaire was based on relevant literature and insights into existing educational practices. On a dichotomously structured 4-level scale, preschool teachers estimated that the most important purpose of documenting children’s development is the planning of developmental incentives (M=3.63; SD= 0.495). They agree that monitoring should be continuous throughout the entire academic year (M=3.53; SD= 0.666). Likewise, preschool teachers are less inclined to one-time assessments of a children’s psycho-physical status, considering “a testing” unlikely to provide a realistic image of their development (M=1.88; SD=0.797). No correlation was found between preschool teachers’ age, length of service, and level of education. Using the t-test of independent samples, a mild/weak, but statistically significant difference in the preschool teachers’ assessment between the subsamples was determined.


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How to Cite

Visković, I., & Zeleničić, M. (2024). Documenting the development and achievements of early and preschool children: Different curricular approaches. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society, 5(1), 134–145.