Aims & Scope


Journal of Childhood, Education & Society (JCES) aims to play an important role in advancing the understanding of early childhood, early childhood education, child development, family studies focused on early childhood, and early childhood special education studies by:

1) publishing papers covering a broad range of topics,

2) publishing quantitative, qualitative, mixed and single-subject methodology research and critical review articles which will make theoretical contributions to the field and connect theory and practice,

3) Providing a forum for the publication of original research related to childhood from an international perspective,

4) bringing together international authors and readers from a range of disciplinary and professional fields for a better understanding of the fundamental issues related to childhood.



JCES is dedicated to promoting and disseminating international, multidisciplinary research on childhood. Thus, JCES welcomes highly scientific papers using qualitative, quantitative, mixed, and single-subject methodologies, focusing on early childhood, early childhood education, child development, family studies focused on early childhood, early childhood education teachers and their professional development, and early childhood special education.


Prepared by the publisher, reviewed, and approved by JCES Editors and commissioned Editorial Board Members. Updated on 12 March 2024